3 Tips to Keep Your Boundaries in Check

Setting Boundaries can be uncomfortable.  But not setting them can create havoc.

Hold onto your Boundaries because 2022 is Yang Tiger Water Energy!

My friend, Karen Alber Carrasco, wrote this great article and I had to share it!  It’s called, 2022 Tiger Wave: Surfing with the Yang Water Tiger. What struck me was the importance of keeping our boundaries in place, especially after the past two years of up-leveling our lives as we created, and re-created, ourselves to be in alignment with our values.

The past two years were ruled by the metal element, and metal represents details, the fine print, analysis of what is working, and what isn’t. Think of really getting inside the box and critiquing every detail.  That requires metal energy.

This year’s element is water. And with water, things can become dark and murky, confusing, or uncertain. Think about decisions you made when you weren’t clear, when your choices weren’t an absolute yes.  I imagine those particular choices might have brought about an unwanted result.  Yes?

That’s why being clear on our boundaries becomes critical.  The thing is, a lot of us may not even know what our boundaries are, let alone being able to hold them in place.

3 Tips to Keep Your Boundaries In Check:

  • First, Have a self-honoring practice or ritual in place – this is for you and only you.  Whether it’s meditating, writing, exercising, knitting, taking a hot bath once a week, etc. Find what connects you to you.
    • When you take the time to self-connect, your choices will be in alignment with what feels true and right for you, in each moment.
  • Second, before making a choice – any choice – check in with yourself and ask yourself these questions:  
    • What do I want? 
    • What do I need?  
    • How do I feel? 
    • What do I think? 
    • Because when we are coming from a place of knowing how we feel, and what we need, we are more likely to have our needs met, which allows us to make clear requests of someone else.   Its when we haven’t taken the time to figure out what we want and need that things get murky.
    • And this year’s Yang Tiger Water energy will be powerful and passionate, and has the potential to uproot us if we’re not firmly planted in our own boundary foundation.
  • Third, and this might be hard to hear, but I’m going to invite you to embrace being ‘selfish.’  I know selfish gets a bad wrap because of old programming of what not to be.  However, when we put everyone else’s needs before our own, we swing to the other side of the pendulum to self-less, and end up feeling obligated and resentful.  This reminds me of Marshall Rosenberg’s poem, The Hungry Duck, where the intention is strive to give from a place of willingness, vs. obligation.

As the first month of 2022 is almost behind us, and this new water energy is upon us, I encourage you to pay attention to your needs, your wants, your desires, and make sure you feet are planted firmly in your own personal boundaries.

Have a question or comment?   Reach out to me here.

You can find upcoming events here.  There are only a few spots left for the Feb 5th Grok Party, where we play games with Grok Cards to connect more deeply to our own emotions and needs.   And, registration for my group boundary coaching program will be opening soon.  🙂

Wishing you clarity and courage to choose YOU!


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By |2022-01-28T13:52:12-05:00January 28th, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Feelings & Needs, Part II – What’s driving your behavior?

How do you help someone when they’re out of touch with their own needs?

What if it’s your child, and they’re laying on the floor, with tears running down their face, and they’re so overwhelmed they can’t tell you what they need?  Like it was for my daughter last weekend.  How do you invite connection, intimacy and interaction?

As a parent to a highly sensitive child, it’s been a delicate dance of knowing when to ask questions, when to give space, and when to hold space.   I know for me, when my daughter starts to get overwhelmed, I need to start looking at where I am. What am I feeling, what am I needing?  How am I contributing to her own stress levels, if at all?

This where self-empathy comes in.   In order to tune in to the needs of someone else, we have to do self-connection first. 

When we’re meeting our own needs, we increase the capacity to hear others’ needs.  I admit, it’s not always easy to pause, especially if we’re feeling stressed out, have too much on our plates, or are running on little sleep.  Combine those factors with a highly sensitive person (HSP), and you have a recipe for disconnect and discord.

As I mentioned last week in Feelings and Needs, Part I, in our family dynamic, peaceful resolution to conflict is always the goal.  Hearing the needs of everyone in the house is a priority. It’s our way of being.   When I was growing up, the mindset of my parents was the kids were to be seen and not heard.  We did what we were told, without invitation for conversation or discussion.   Needs or Feelings weren’t considered, and I almost laugh when I think about what would’ve happened if I’d tried to express back then.  I heard, “Do as I say, not as I do” more times than I can count.  The silent message was, “Your needs don’t matter.  Be quiet.  Do what you’re told. Don’t ask questions, and if you have an opinion, keep it to yourself – you’re just a kid –  I’M the parent.”

If you look at the logic of that, it doesn’t really make sense.  When you think of a kid speaking their mind, what do you think of?   I hear the saying, “Out of the mouths of babes…” – in other words, kids are uncensored, honest.  They don’t filter what they say or how, and often they have incredible insight and wisdom. That’s a gift.

Consider this:  When a need is met, it goes away.

When we can truly hear a person and connect to what’s going on for them, that’s often what they desire most – to be heard, to feel valued, to be seen.   So when you consider the concept that all behavior is an attempt to fulfill a need, it makes sense to find the need under the behavior.  Whether your child is curled up in a ball crying, or someone’s lashing out, screaming, or hurling things across the room, there’s a need underneath the behavior.   Looking past the behavior to understand what’s driving it is key.  That’s where the truth is. And where there’s truth, we can be vulnerable, connected, and move on.

However you’re celebrating this season, if you’re feeling obligated, stressed out, or like you can’t give anymore, press your own “Pause” button.   Close your eyes.  Take a breath.  And ask yourself, “What do I most need?”  If you can’t name the need, ask yourself, “What am I feeling?”  And work your way to the need that’s driving your behavior.  Find your way to your own truth.

The best gift you can give is your presence.   You’ll feel happier, lighter, and so will the people around you.

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Much love and Merry Christmas,




By |2018-01-07T01:50:02-05:00December 25th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Resistance – How it shows up and keeps us stuck

A few years back, I had resistance to working with a coach to do some deep work.  I had two main fears:

1) What if I surpassed my husband in terms of personal growth, ruining the possibility for us to stay truly “connected”?  And,

2) What if I stayed the same? (which in my mind was worse than the first one)

Both of these fears were my resistance.  Resistance is simply an unconscious (often self-imposed) defense mechanism that we put in place thinking it’s going to protect us from feeling the hurt, discomfort, pain, anxiety, rejection or whatever it is we don’t want to feel.

Fact is, resistance does the opposite of protecting us from any of those things.  Resistance will bind us to the very pain and discomfort we’re trying so hard to avoid.

We often tell ourselves it’s scary to look inside and get to the root of our emotional stories, dramas, or situations, but the truth is, it’s actually scarier not to.

Once you see it, you can transform it.  Louise Hay has a great quote, “If  you’re going to clean the house, you have to see the dirt.”

You can’t change what you can’t see.

The good news is, once you see the dirt, once you face your resistance and actually DO that thing that scares you, you’re immediately more empowered.  Then you can take steps toward your desires. Any small steps toward what you want will slowly dissipate your fear.

Think about something you’ve been wanting to say yes to, or something that’s been on your desires list and you’ve been too afraid to commit to.   What can you do this week to move you closer to YES?

Think small, baby steps.  Something bite sized and doable.  Then do it!

Taking one step can be the catapult you need for big change.

You got this!

Sending you big love….


P.S.  If you’d like to follow my blog and receive my newsletter on simplifying, letting go and creating more ease, you can do that here .  

By |2018-01-07T02:00:34-05:00November 19th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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