Change Your Closet, Change Your Life. A TEDx Talk to Share
I'm so excited to share this TEDx talk I found on YouTube: Change Your Closet, Change Your Life. In the video below, Gillian Dunn talks about her own wake-up call when she went into her closet to get a candle [...]
3 Tips to Keep Your Boundaries in Check
Setting Boundaries can be uncomfortable. But not setting them can create havoc. Hold onto your Boundaries because 2022 is Yang Tiger Water Energy! My friend, Karen Alber Carrasco, wrote this great article and I had to share it! It's called, [...]
Joyous Outrage – Embracing Peaceful Intolerance
Joyous Outrage - not words that seem to go together, right? Stay with me... Last night I pulled an oracle card, and my card was, "Power of Joy. " The card invited me to consider that when we come from [...]
Pretending, Avoidance & Addiction – 5 Questions to Navigate Change
It’s 2005. I’m sitting in circle with 15 women and the discussion is being led my long term mentor, Cheryl Richardson, who asks the question, “What are you pretending?” Each woman answers in turn. When it comes to me, my [...]
When you don’t recognize yourself, it’s time for a [RESET]
Today, I had a brief, but intense conversation with someone, after which I found myself blurring around a wooded path like Jason Bourne on amphetamines. I’d crossed my own line, again. After replaying the conversation in my head, I thought, [...]
Retrogrades, Relationships & Resetting Priorities
Are the retrogrades messing with your relationships? Do you feel like you and your partner might actually be on different planets? Considering six, yes, SIX planets are in retrograde right now, it’s a good time to press pause on the [...]
Avoiding the spiral of mental chatter ♥
We did a street-long yard sale yesterday, and after the sale I noticed myself engaging in mental chatter about lost time. I spent time prepping for it, organizing it, physically being at the sale, then packing up the remainders for [...]
Letting Go & Holding On
Why do we hold onto things? What is it we hope to gain? What are we so afraid of releasing, even if it's things we're not using? It’s a loaded question, and one not easily answered because it’s subjective to [...]
If you’re home was alive, what would it tell you?
If your home could speak to you, what would it say? If your belongings could speak to you, what messages and words would you hear? In Feng Shui, there are three main tenets: Everything is alive Everything has energy Everything [...]
[Cut the Cord to your CLUTTER] in these EASY steps! (+ Keep it from returning!)
You might be fed up, ready to toss your excess stuff (clutter), because you know how good it will feel to get it OUT of your house. The instant gratification game is seductive. Yes, you’ll feel lighter from the releasing. [...]
What’s your New Year’s Eve Ritual? Instead of [Resolutions], try this!
The past few days, I've been thinking about how we can enhance our family's “reflection rituals” for New Year's Eve. In the past, we’ve done vision boards at our dining room table, each equipped with magazines, poster board, scissors and [...]
Change Your Closet, Change Your Life. A TEDx Talk to Share
I'm so excited to share this TEDx talk I found on YouTube: Change Your Closet, Change Your Life. In the video below, Gillian Dunn talks about her own wake-up call when she went into her closet to get a candle [...]
3 Tips to Keep Your Boundaries in Check
Setting Boundaries can be uncomfortable. But not setting them can create havoc. Hold onto your Boundaries because 2022 is Yang Tiger Water Energy! My friend, Karen Alber Carrasco, wrote this great article and I had to share it! It's called, [...]
Joyous Outrage – Embracing Peaceful Intolerance
Joyous Outrage - not words that seem to go together, right? Stay with me... Last night I pulled an oracle card, and my card was, "Power of Joy. " The card invited me to consider that when we come from [...]
Pretending, Avoidance & Addiction – 5 Questions to Navigate Change
It’s 2005. I’m sitting in circle with 15 women and the discussion is being led my long term mentor, Cheryl Richardson, who asks the question, “What are you pretending?” Each woman answers in turn. When it comes to me, my [...]
When you don’t recognize yourself, it’s time for a [RESET]
Today, I had a brief, but intense conversation with someone, after which I found myself blurring around a wooded path like Jason Bourne on amphetamines. I’d crossed my own line, again. After replaying the conversation in my head, I thought, [...]
Retrogrades, Relationships & Resetting Priorities
Are the retrogrades messing with your relationships? Do you feel like you and your partner might actually be on different planets? Considering six, yes, SIX planets are in retrograde right now, it’s a good time to press pause on the [...]
Avoiding the spiral of mental chatter ♥
We did a street-long yard sale yesterday, and after the sale I noticed myself engaging in mental chatter about lost time. I spent time prepping for it, organizing it, physically being at the sale, then packing up the remainders for [...]
Letting Go & Holding On
Why do we hold onto things? What is it we hope to gain? What are we so afraid of releasing, even if it's things we're not using? It’s a loaded question, and one not easily answered because it’s subjective to [...]
If you’re home was alive, what would it tell you?
If your home could speak to you, what would it say? If your belongings could speak to you, what messages and words would you hear? In Feng Shui, there are three main tenets: Everything is alive Everything has energy Everything [...]
[Cut the Cord to your CLUTTER] in these EASY steps! (+ Keep it from returning!)
You might be fed up, ready to toss your excess stuff (clutter), because you know how good it will feel to get it OUT of your house. The instant gratification game is seductive. Yes, you’ll feel lighter from the releasing. [...]
What’s your New Year’s Eve Ritual? Instead of [Resolutions], try this!
The past few days, I've been thinking about how we can enhance our family's “reflection rituals” for New Year's Eve. In the past, we’ve done vision boards at our dining room table, each equipped with magazines, poster board, scissors and [...]