Joyous Outrage – Embracing Peaceful Intolerance

Joyous Outrage – not words that seem to go together, right?   Stay with me…

Last night I pulled an oracle card, and my card was, “Power of Joy. ”  The card invited me to consider that when we come from a place of joy, we connect to our purpose. Even though I believe this, I found myself questioning if embracing joy was the wisest choice when we’re living with so much injustice and fear in our world right now.

In the wake of covid19, George Floyd’s murder, and a multitude of other events, I was feeling challenged to embrace joy in the face of horrific injustices. Then I realized choosing joy is the wisest choice.   The events of our world are exactly why we need to stay connected to what brings us joy.

In the saying, “time flies when you’re having fun”, we’re reminded how we wish we could stop the clock, press pause, and savor the moment, right?  Here’s a few of my moments of joy…

  1. …when I held my sleeping infant daughter in my arms and digitally recorded her tiny sounds as she breathed.
  2. …the night I pulled my wet 3-yr old out of the tub and dressed her faster than a Ninja because Santa was coming on the fire truck outside.  Her high pitched squeals of excitement literally made me cry.
  3. …and then the simple beauty of seeing flowers in a vase I love, hearing the birds chirp, witnessing children play.

Just for a moment here, close your eyes and think about what brings you true joy.  Ok, got it?  Now, hold onto that for a minute.

George Floyd’s death has both, brought our nation together, and illuminated where we’re still grossly divided.  With our peaceful protestors there are also opportunistic looters. One blurs into the other as our nation splits into what’s right, what’s wrong, as we forget the entire point of the peaceful protestors.   I stand with the protestors.  I stand up for Peaceful Intolerance.   I stand for claiming justice and joy for ALL humans.

Have the hard conversations.  Act on the social injustices you witness.  As history continues to repeat itself, I’ve felt ashamed to be a white woman when I see the inequities around me.  George Floyd death is not an isolated incident; it’s a systemic reminder of what needs to change.   Our enraged country, and our world is screaming, “Enough!”

ENOUGH!  Enough to the injustice.  Enough to the divide.   Enough to rights for some, and not for others.

What can we do if we’re not able to physically protest?   How can we bring the change we want to see? That’s what I’ve been sitting with.  What can I actually do?

As trite as it sounds, I can embrace joy.  Even in my outrage.  I can be joyously outraged as I’m reminded all lives matter.  Black lives matter.  Trans lives matter.   Children’s voices matter. Elderly voices matter.  And right now more than ever, we need to stand in solidarity that #Black Lives Matter.

Hitler divided us. Hitler decided who was worthy to live based on the color of their skin, the size or shape of their head, or the name someone had.  And now our leader is dividing us with those same criteria. I don’t know what kind of pain our president is in, but I do know we cannot afford to let his wounds lead this country anymore.

We need empathy, not tweets. 

Action Challenge:

Here’s some steps I’m taking as I’m not able to physically protest right now.  Maybe this will spark some ideas for you, too.

  1. Create a Sign to display in your window or on your lawn that promotes Peace, Social Justice, that supports equality for all lives, particularly those whose lives are marginalized in our society.
  2. Join (or create) a group to embrace and embody Anti-Racism and Social Justice as you move into activism around how to end the divide.
  3. Join the Peaceful Protestors and be Peacefully Intolerant
  4. Read books to educate yourself on racism, especially if you’re white.   Ibram X. Kendi, How to be an Anti-Racist, is a great place to start, as well as Non-Violent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg.
  5. Write to your state’s leaders, your governors, your congressman, or even to The White House.
  6. Sign a variety of petitions honoring the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
  7. Watch the film Just Mercy.
  8. Support Owners of Black Owned Bookstores.

Back to joy.   If it’s true that our joy leads to our purpose, then I want to focus on what brings me joy.   Beauty.  Nature.  Space.  Writing.  My daughter.  Yoga.  Practicing compassion. Empathy. Deep Listening. Connection. Health.   As I type this, here’s my view, and it brings me joy.

What brings you joy?  What connects you to you?    When I invited you to close your eyes earlier, what joyful memories sparked in you?  Do more of that!  I hope you’ll join me in using *YOUR* voice, to step into what matters most to you.

I hope you’ll be Joyously Outraged and Peacefully Intolerant of what you’ll no longer accept when you see injustices. Here’s a quote that reminds us that an injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

I’ll be launching an online series on Compassion, Listening and Empathy, a way to Connect You to You.  If you’re not already in my community and want to be notified of upcoming workshops, talks or events, join my community here.

I’m grateful to have you as part of my tribe.  Until we meet again…



By |2020-06-07T16:43:00-04:00June 7th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Why I’m doing a [ONE-YEAR BAN] on buying books or courses (and creating a Little Free Library)

Though I live simply, I’ve had one vice that’s been strong since my 20’s – buying books.  When our family of three moved into our current home in 2009, we came with 23 bookcases – some 4’x8’, some 3’x6’, some smaller – but all filled.  Some had albums in them, yes, albums, but mostly books.  As my daughter has grown, so has our book collection.   I wish I’d counted all the books I’ve released since then, but I’m certain it’s in the 1000’s.  Yet, I’ve also continued to buy books.

One of the surviving bookcases is housed in my dining room, and I’m in the process of redoing it. By redoing, I mean re-evaluating what’s there, moving things out, creating space for what I want more of in the next 12 months.  Writing is one of those things.  Since my bookcase falls in the creativity section of my dining room in feng shui, it’s critical to be clear and deliberate with what’s here…if I want to manifest my desire to write more.   For me, this is an area that continues to get jammed up.

While I was creating a “writing section” in one area of this bookcase, it was easy to see nothing was moving in until something else moved out.

I’d done it again.

I’d pushed aside a big vision and filled it with lots of tiny obstacles.

Things. Stuff.  Obstacles to space.

I stopped the process and just sat down where I was.  I started to write to get clarity on my next steps.  I didn’t want to just move books around and “make room”.  I needed a new way of being.

This new way of being resulted in declaring a one-year book buying ban.  To hold myself accountable and to document it, I’m sharing my journey, with the hope this adds some value to you, and you can benefit from my process.

My intention for the ban is to use the resources I have.   If I’m tempted to buy something, I’ll shop from my shelves.  Even though Amazon Prime and I are tight – you know, on a first name basis kind of thing – I could create my own amazon.

Instead of recreating my own Amazon, I’ve decided to create a “Little Free Library”.  Have you seen them?  They’re those adorable little “mini-tree-house-looking” wood houses that hold books.  You place it on your property and wa-lah, instant library!  I’ve been wanting to do this for years, and never made time for it.   While I’m just starting the research on it, I’m super excited to start!  I’m seeing them popping up all over locally and I love them.   More on this soon!

Lastly, in addition to the book ban, I’m also declaring a one-year ban on buying courses – online or otherwise.  (Only exception is additional coaching certifications already on my radar and accounted for.)    I began 2017 committed to 3 trainings, and through the year, I’ve added at least 7 others that I can recall.  Everything looks good to me.  I have this insatiable appetite for learning and growing.  But right now, I’m letting what I know and what I have be “Enough”.

In our world of consumerism, of always looking for the next biggest thing, it’s easy to fall prey to having too much.   Also, in a world where there’s so many struggling to eat, or pay their mortgage, or find a job, having “too much” feels far too wasteful to me.

Look for updated posts on the Little Free Library and updates on the bans!

Like this article, or find value?  Share it with those who’ll benefit from it.

See you soon!



By |2017-08-13T16:16:55-04:00August 13th, 2017|Uncategorized|5 Comments
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