
About Christine Gipple

My work is decluttering from the inside out. Literally. That means beliefs, patterns, habits, physical environments, emotional drama, relationships, jobs, etc. Tired of wanting something different and not sure how to get there? Are you ready to finally take that leap toward the life you really want? Let's Talk! 856-471-7007

Soul Space Decluttering

Soul Space…

Spaces where you find what you want when you want it.

Where you have what you need at your fingertips.

Space to think, to be, to feel, to connect.

To feel alive, to breathe deeply, have restful sleep, connect with yourself, and those you love.

To realign with what matters most…

Three of my core values are for Order, Ease and Simplicity.

When those needs are met, I’m calm, present, connected. I’m aligned.  It’s easy to  follow through on commitments, take action toward what I want, to say yes when I mean yes, and no when I mean no when my actions are internally aligned with my values and needs.

One way for us to stay aligned is to consistently reevaluate what we keep.

So yesterday I did a challenge (Link at end) to Declutter 100 items in less than an hour.   The intent of this challenge is to set your timer for 60 minutes and go room to room gathering 10 items, 20 items etc, from each space until you have 100.   You don’t stop until the timer goes off, or until you have 100.

I didn’t do it the same way as recommended, not by design totally.  My somewhat OCD self – not really, but kinda – needed to have order amidst the self-induced clutter clearing challenge.

I started in my kitchen.   And stayed there for 60 minutes.  I cleaned, wiped, and organized as I decluttered – not part of the challenge.  When the timer went off, I wasn’t done, nor did I have 100 items.  So I set it for another 30 minutes, and this time stopped cleaning, organizing and wiping, kinda.  I really am “Monica” from Friends, so it’s my own niche to clean, sort & organize as I go.   But I did make it out of my kitchen, and into my bathroom.   This time, when the timer went off, I had 160 items total and I even managed to find two missing items that had fallen underneath a drawer and were laying at the bottom of a cabinet.   So 90 minutes, 160 items, not too bad.  Still, I’ll redo the challenge and do it as designed.

There’s two lessons here: 1) it’s so easy to throw ourselves off track, and 2) it’s just as easy to bring us back when we have focus, awareness and intention.

Ease.  Order.  Simplicity.  Life isn’t always easy, orderly, and it’s certainly not always simple.   Which is why it’s critical to create soul spaces in your home, and habits.  Self-care, yoga, working out, eating well – whatever it is that nurtures you and keeps you feeling connected and alive – that’s what needs to be in your daily rituals.

So where do you need to create more space?  Is there a certain room?  A certain spot within a room?  Maybe a specific relationship needs a clear boundary in place?  Maybe your mind wishes for quiet so you can actually hear your own thoughts and inner desires?  What’s on your wish list?  Your #50Desires?

Does this sound fun to you?   The idea is to create incentive to let go, and to have fun in the process.  Hop on over to for Courtney Carver’s Declutter 100 Items in Less than an Hour Challenge.  Let me know what happened for you.  🙂 #bemorewithless, #100DeclutterChallenge.

Enjoy the process.  Life’s too short to stress over our stuff.  Learn to let it go!

Sending love,




By |2017-08-20T17:37:09-04:00August 20th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Why I’m doing a [ONE-YEAR BAN] on buying books or courses (and creating a Little Free Library)

Though I live simply, I’ve had one vice that’s been strong since my 20’s – buying books.  When our family of three moved into our current home in 2009, we came with 23 bookcases – some 4’x8’, some 3’x6’, some smaller – but all filled.  Some had albums in them, yes, albums, but mostly books.  As my daughter has grown, so has our book collection.   I wish I’d counted all the books I’ve released since then, but I’m certain it’s in the 1000’s.  Yet, I’ve also continued to buy books.

One of the surviving bookcases is housed in my dining room, and I’m in the process of redoing it. By redoing, I mean re-evaluating what’s there, moving things out, creating space for what I want more of in the next 12 months.  Writing is one of those things.  Since my bookcase falls in the creativity section of my dining room in feng shui, it’s critical to be clear and deliberate with what’s here…if I want to manifest my desire to write more.   For me, this is an area that continues to get jammed up.

While I was creating a “writing section” in one area of this bookcase, it was easy to see nothing was moving in until something else moved out.

I’d done it again.

I’d pushed aside a big vision and filled it with lots of tiny obstacles.

Things. Stuff.  Obstacles to space.

I stopped the process and just sat down where I was.  I started to write to get clarity on my next steps.  I didn’t want to just move books around and “make room”.  I needed a new way of being.

This new way of being resulted in declaring a one-year book buying ban.  To hold myself accountable and to document it, I’m sharing my journey, with the hope this adds some value to you, and you can benefit from my process.

My intention for the ban is to use the resources I have.   If I’m tempted to buy something, I’ll shop from my shelves.  Even though Amazon Prime and I are tight – you know, on a first name basis kind of thing – I could create my own amazon.

Instead of recreating my own Amazon, I’ve decided to create a “Little Free Library”.  Have you seen them?  They’re those adorable little “mini-tree-house-looking” wood houses that hold books.  You place it on your property and wa-lah, instant library!  I’ve been wanting to do this for years, and never made time for it.   While I’m just starting the research on it, I’m super excited to start!  I’m seeing them popping up all over locally and I love them.   More on this soon!

Lastly, in addition to the book ban, I’m also declaring a one-year ban on buying courses – online or otherwise.  (Only exception is additional coaching certifications already on my radar and accounted for.)    I began 2017 committed to 3 trainings, and through the year, I’ve added at least 7 others that I can recall.  Everything looks good to me.  I have this insatiable appetite for learning and growing.  But right now, I’m letting what I know and what I have be “Enough”.

In our world of consumerism, of always looking for the next biggest thing, it’s easy to fall prey to having too much.   Also, in a world where there’s so many struggling to eat, or pay their mortgage, or find a job, having “too much” feels far too wasteful to me.

Look for updated posts on the Little Free Library and updates on the bans!

Like this article, or find value?  Share it with those who’ll benefit from it.

See you soon!



By |2017-08-13T16:16:55-04:00August 13th, 2017|Uncategorized|5 Comments

Are books becoming obsolete? Attention – book lovers!

Ok, so I’ll be totally transparent. I’m resisting our digital age.  In a round of decluttering, I have a 22 volume set of Encyclopedias that I’m resisting releasing.  The story I tell myself is:  My daughter needs to know how to use them as reference tools, and they’ll be really helpful when doing research projects.  And, she may need them to site resources, just like I did in school.  Yet, in today’s world, everything is online, and the truth is, we probably don’t “need” them.   My truth:  It’s important to me she knows how to use resources other than on-line.

Which brings me to the question – are books becoming obsolete? Will there be a time when we are no longer reading books, in our hands, and everything will be digitized?

I hope not. I’m old school.  I want a book in hand.  I highlight, underline, use Post-it flags, arrows, and make notations throughout my books as I read.   Even with fiction.

The idea of moving toward a completely digital age is less than thrilling to me.   While I love the convenience of the internet, my cell phone, iPad, etc., I still buy books.  It’s been one of my two vices my entire life – books and music.  Yes, I still buy CD’s too – not as much as books, because I download a lot, but I do buy CD’s.   If you’re like me, you used to buy albums, and can remember spending hours listening to them, reading the covers and inserts, and maybe you even crossed your fingers like I did, hoping the lyrics would be written on the sleeve inserts.

Friends of mine teach and have shared that in some districts, books are obsolete and have been replaced by iPads in their curriculum.   This floored me.  I just can’t imagine a world without books, or libraries without books, or my home without them.

What about you?   Do you think books will eventually be obsolete?  Many magazines are all digital.  Will our libraries be replaced with all media files?   What’s our future hold for us?   Do you still read books or do you prefer digital? If you’re a book lover, I want to hear from you.  I’d love to know I’m not alone in my desire for an actual book in hand!

By |2017-05-30T02:45:50-04:00May 30th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

How fiberglass curtains and salsa reminded me to choose peace


Last night my daughter had a sleepover. As parents, we believe in giving children choice, permission, and freedom. We trust that with our guidance and their intuition, they’ll make wise choices that’ll give them the best learning experiences.

So when I went into the living room after the girls were all set in her room for the night, what I found surprised me.

On the wooden ledge of the futon, there was a soaking wet Handi-Wipe filled with Salsa rolled up in a ball. As I started moving pillows and blankets, I noticed a huge wet spot under one of the blankets where salsa was cleaned up, along with a few straggler chips.

I was annoyed. She knows better. Wood ledges – water drenches wood and warps it. She knows this. Food was left out in the kitchen.

As I reminded her of these things, after walking in her room with the Handi-Wipe evidenced full of salsa, she cowered, apologized. She’d tried to clean it up the best she could. She felt bad. Still, I reminded her of what I knew she was already told – water ruins wood and it’s important to clean up messes – when they happen.

Her dad stood by and listened and I saw something in his eyes that I was missing. “She tried”, he said. And she did. She’s 10.

I immediately was catapulted back to my Fairview kitchen and was 10 years old. I’d been in school all day and couldn’t wait to get home to remove my intensely itchy white uniform shirt. I didn’t know what was wrong, but all day it was burning and itching against my skin. As I stood by the washing machine in our kitchen – scratching, red, and in tears – my older brother walked in and asked me what was wrong. As I shared my day and told him about my shirt, I shared how I’d washed my shirts with our living room curtains the day before.

The living room curtains were made of fiberglass.


I’ll never forget his reaction – it was like, “Duh! You don’t wash fiberglass curtains with anything!

What did I know? I was 10. I just needed clean shirts for school. Why not multi-task? Yes, even at 10, I was like this.

Last night, I saw myself in my daughter’s actions. She was given the freedom to choose and she did what she thought was best. She’d cleaned up the spilled salsa and just forgot to move the rag and the wet blanket.

I was reminded of how little she is. I was reminded how delicate each learning experience can be. And how our experiences can often imprint on us for years to come.

I stopped to snuggle her, share the curtain story, and assure her I know she did her best – because she did.  I hesitated because she had a friend sleeping over – but this is what we do – talk and snuggle it out.

So the next time your child does something that triggers you, I invite you to remember how little they are, and how often they’re coming from their best place of experience as they know it. They look to us for guidance on how to handle situations.

We’re not perfect. But we can create perfect relationships for us and our families, through empathy and seeing things through another set of eyes.

We just have to be willing to see.

How about you? Is there a place you need to soften? A place where you and your family could benefit from seeing something a little differently?

I’d love to hear your experiences!  Share your comments below and if you liked this article, please share it!


By |2017-04-22T19:37:35-04:00June 18th, 2016|Lifestyle, Parenting|0 Comments

Are you resisting the flow? Or riding waves with ease?

I wasn’t in the flow today.

I’m not sure what tipped me off first – the guy abruptly backing into my car while I waited at the stop sign,  or my windshield wiper flying off as I drove down the Black Horse Pike – in the rain.  But I was definitely NOT in the flow, and felt my day spiraling into chaos.

Maybe it was the meltdown that came before I left my house after getting an upsetting call, reminding me of the conflict I feel about a decision that must be made, soon.  Or being woken up by outrageously loud saws, music and voices coming from my next door neighbors roof as men installed fascia on his home.   Or when my vacuum cleaner spit OUT the items it was supposed to be taking in.  Maybe it was when the water spilled all over the paperwork I needed to take with me when I left the house.    Or the torrential rain and winds that took down a tree near my house, causing me to drive down a different street, placing me at that stop sign so the kind gentleman could smash into me in the first place.

Yeah, it was all of that.  One after another, things were happening, reminding me to stop.  To slow down.  To pause, and feel the emotions  flooding through me.

I knew it was time to get quiet.

But my intention was clear when I woke up.  We were driving to North Jersey to see the documentary, Vaxxed.   “My plan” was to get out of the house – despite the prediction of rain later in the day, despite my car needing to be dropped off for service, despite seeing unfinished signs to be made for a yard sale, despite dishes in my sink, despite my printer needing fixing so I can get it to scan, despite my home needing attention, and “me” needing attention.

I wanted to stick with “the plan”. 

But my daughter wasn’t embracing spending a chunk of the day in the car, which would’ve been the case.   Honoring her needs as well as mine is a core value to me.   So I amended the plan.  But I didn’t really want to.  I was all in my head thinking how important this film is, and how we can only make change if we all see the facts.  I’ve seen the film in NY but my daughter hasn’t.   My real resistance to cancelling our plans though had little to do with the actual film, and more to do with the mayhem I felt inside.  I needed order, and going with the plan allowed me to feel in control – of  something.

Here’s the truth.

Our “plan” really has no place in our day.  We can plan, sure.   And, we need to be aware, (for me, much more quickly), when our plans need amending.  It was one of those days – I wanted to do what I intended, and I didn’t feel like being flexible.

How many times have you had days like this?  Where things weren’t lining up the way you wanted, where you were resisting, and received constant blocks trying to redirect you?  What will you do next time this happens?

I know what I’ll do.  I’ll get on my yoga mat and meditate.  Or  write.  Or breathe.  Or cry.   Or all of those.

zen place

There’s a time to plow through and stick with the plan, and there’s a time to allow things to unfold naturally.  When those blocks come, it’s a reminder to slow down, to pause.

It’s not time to plow – it’s time to allow.

Because sometimes we need to allow stuff to move through us before it can leave us.

I’d love to hear what you do when this happens for you.   How do you reset yourself?  How do you tune back in?  I often will organize or clear clutter, but that just wasn’t in my energetic field today.   The universe had other plans.

Leave a comment below, and if this helped you, please share it!

With love and blessings,



By |2017-04-22T19:37:36-04:00June 8th, 2016|Holistic Health, Intuition|0 Comments

Less = More. Simplify Your Wardrobe To 33 Items

My resistance surprised me.   I’d been finalizing my website, so my delay in starting this challenge on June 1st was reasonably justified, but beyond that, I really procrastinated mentally.   My inner voice kept telling me there was no way  I was going from 100 items of clothing down to only 33, especially since I’d already downsized to 100 items!  (see previous posts).  The final 33 counted accessories like sunglasses, earrings, shoes, sandals, jackets, etc.   Honestly, I didn’t think I could do it.  When I approached the 40 item mark, I was ready to amend the rules a bit.  I told myself I couldn’t simplify or release any more.  As I reached 36, I was too close not to make it work, so the final 3 had to go!

But I did it – I’ve chosen my final 33 items to wear for the next 3 months!  From June 5th to September 5th, I’ll use only the final 33 that made the cut. Project 333 Underway – Thanks Courtney Carver for the inspiration!

Here’s what I started with:


Here’s what I chose: One pair of sneakers, two sandals (one not shown because I was wearing them), one pair of earrings, one necklace, one hat, one pair of sunglasses and the rest clothing.   (Workout wear and sleepwear don’t count – thank God!)


Result – I feel completely empowered, more mindful, and less stressed.  I’m no longer sliding over item after item in my closet that I don’t feel great, searching for the ones I do feel great in.  The visual plus – every time I open my closet door, I see only what I need, want and love.  It feels simple, easy, and less overwhelming.  I also feel less guilt.  I don’t know about you, but I had a lot of clothes I didn’t wear.  But because I paid good money for them, they stayed in my closet – even though I’d slide them aside looking for something else to wear.

I’ll admit I felt close to giving up.  I felt close to backing out.  The impossibility of 33 felt like more than I wanted to embrace.  But it’s clothes – not people.   It’s stuff.  And I choose to live with less stuff.

I’m a little dorky and am always simplifying & organizing because I LOVE to, but this particular project has inspired me to simplify even more, beyond clothes.   No “thing” is guaranteed a spot to live within our home.  My family’s made me promise their stuff is off limits!   I’ve agreed to only work on mine.  Yet, I see them adding things to the donate pile as a result of my constant clearing.  Releasing is contagious, and not by force – simply by doing.

Maybe you could live with less?   Let go of items you keep sliding aside in your closet?   Share your comments below.  If this inspired you or you think it will inspire someone you know to action, please share this!



By |2017-04-22T19:37:36-04:00June 5th, 2016|Feng Shui for Home, Organizing Tips|0 Comments

Project 333 Challenge, Day 2

Let the sorting begin! 

I started the day going to an estate sale, followed by a long morning walk. When I got home, the sorting process began upstairs where I had corporate, winter and summer items mixed in.   Many items went right to the no pile while my potential yes’s went into the 333 Challenge pile for later sorting.   I also had some in-between items (more than I want to admit), but those got packed away for review in September when the process begins again.

Taking the recommended break helped keep my energy up. Trying on lots of clothes in the heat, making decisions on what stays, what goes, and what gets packed away until later is mentally draining.   So the green smoothie of kale, spinach, banana and blueberries definitely helped reset me.   Then, back to work!

At the end of the day, 57 clothing items are leaving my house, plus 4 accessory bags and two coats!  Picture below.   My intention is to find a local women’s shelter or a place that allows women to come shop for free.   If you know of a great place you love, please share it with me!

I still have about 100 clothing items in my room (what stayed plus some extra in my room that I didn’t sort yet).  The final cut of 33 items needs to include accessories, outerwear and shoes.  I’m not sure how, but I’m determined to make this work.   For incentive in between the clothes challenge, I weeded the wealth corner of my garden, cleaned and replenished my outside fountains, and released 27 items my kitchen cabinets & dining room server.

I’m combining Feng Shui with the Project 333 challenge to amplify the benefits.  I can’t wait to see the changes that result!

How about you?   If you were to minimize one aspect of your life, where would you start?  What’s one area you know you need to simplify and feel hesitant?    Share your comments or challenge below.

If you liked this article and think it might help someone you know, please share it!


By |2016-05-31T18:47:31-04:00May 29th, 2016|Feng Shui for Home, Organizing Tips|0 Comments
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