Decluttering, Organizing & Minimizing  (May include Feng Shui)

Releasing clutter and minimizing can be a daunting task.

If you are…

  • Baffled as to how the same areas of your home continue to magnetize clutter, even after you’ve cleared them
  • Frustrated because something feels off in your space and you can’t figure out why
  • Overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in your home, and you don’t know where to start

You are not alone, and there is a way out!

I can help you because I was you!

Admittedly, the saying of, “We teach what we need to learn” rings true for me. I, too, have struggled with letting things go.

  • I still own more books than I need.
  • It took a life changing fall in 2015 to leave a job that was emotionally, mentally and physically toxic.
  • And in the past, I stayed in unsatisfying relationships because I felt obligated to, even though they weren’t meeting my needs for trust, mutuality or deep connection.

Side Effects of Living with Less – Less Anger, Less Doubt, Less Fear, Less Judgment and Less STUFF!

  • Gain clarity and focus, sharpening your ability to complete projects

  • Release what you don’t want to make space for what you DO

  • Feel a greater sense of control, safety and well being

  • Create abundant energy and time to pursue your passions

  • Improve and optimize your health and well-being

  • Embody and hold healthy boundaries that protect your energy

  • Understand how your home’s energy affects EVERYTHING in your life

  • Dramatically improve your relationships

  • Wake refreshed, excited and inspired to start your day!

Have questions about how to work together?