3 Things I Know For Sure
Life is messy
Change is inevitable
Growth is optional
It’s taken me decades to be authentically me, to say what I mean, to say no
when I’m not aligned, and to be comfortable doing it.
It’s taken me decades to be authentically me, to say what I mean, to say no when I’m not aligned, and to be comfortable doing it.
Hi, I’m Chris
I’m a master life and clutter coach, mentor, NVC facilitator, writer, and a homeschool mom.
I didn’t exactly ‘plan’ to be an entrepreneur.

Hi, I’m Chris
I’m a master life and clutter coach, mentor, NVC facilitator, writer, and a homeschool mom.
I didn’t exactly ‘plan’ to be an entrepreneur.

For twenty-five years, I worked full time as a Controller. In my off-time, I’d take trainings in yoga, energy healing, feng shui, nutrition, writing, mediation, communication, and everything that was opposite of my left brain “work.”
Then when my daughter was two, I was laid off. At first, I was devastated. My identity and worth was so deeply tied to what I did for others, how much I achieved and how much I earned that I had no idea who I was if I wasn’t working.
As I drove into work those last two months, David Cook’s version of, “The World I Know”, played on repeat. The world I knew was crumbling and I had no idea what was next.
So, I did the only thing I knew; I immersed myself in personal growth and training. I focused on my passion for feng shui and organizing, and I started a feng shui and decluttering business.
I saw a consistent theme with my clients: their blockages to their desires wasn’t about the stuff, but their attachment to the stuff and what they were making it mean. It wasn’t uncommon to be uncovering hidden beliefs, judgments, resentments, and boundaries that were being crossed in relationships as we cleared away their items.
My own life continued to transform as I found myself at an impasse in my marriage and amicably divorced after nineteen years together.
Enter life coaching. While working with a coach, I decided to do my own coaching training. Not to become a coach myself, but to understand why I continued to take actions and make choices that were taking me away from what I wanted, even though I “knew better.”
What I experienced was life changing. There was a distinct difference in the me before coaching, and the me after coaching.
Before coaching, I overcommitted my time, acquiesced to everyone else’s needs, and overstepped my own boundaries again and again.
After coaching, I now honor my time, my needs, my boundaries, and my self-care. And, in the midst of it all, I remarried the same man and our relationship is the strongest it’s ever been.
For the first time ever, I trust me.
This is no small thing. Self-trust has been something I’ve struggled with my entire life.
It can feel easier to deflect to others for approval, advice, or validation. But in the long run, only we know what’s best for us.
Today, I support mom-preneurs and healers to live in alignment with what matters most to them. And I can’t imagine doing anything else!
For twenty-five years, I worked full time as a Controller. In my off-time, I’d take trainings in yoga, energy healing, feng shui, nutrition, writing, mediation, communication, and everything that was opposite of my left brain “work.”
Then when my daughter was two, I was laid off. At first, I was devastated. My identity and worth was so deeply tied to what I did for others, how much I achieved and how much I earned that I had no idea who I was if I wasn’t working.
As I drove into work those last two months, David Cook’s version of, “The World I Know”, played on repeat. The world I knew was crumbling and I had no idea what was next.
So, I did the only thing I knew; I immersed myself in personal growth and training. I focused on my passion for feng shui and organizing, and I started a feng shui and decluttering business.
I saw a consistent theme with my clients: their blockages to their desires wasn’t about the stuff, but their attachment to the stuff and what they were making it mean. It wasn’t uncommon to be uncovering hidden beliefs, judgments, resentments, and boundaries that were being crossed in relationships as we cleared away their items.
My own life continued to transform as I found myself at an impasse in my marriage and amicably divorced after nineteen years together.
Enter life coaching. While working with a coach, I decided to do my own coaching training. Not to become a coach myself, but to understand why I continued to take actions and make choices that were taking me away from what I wanted, even though I “knew better.”
What I experienced was life changing. There was a distinct difference in the me before coaching, and the me after coaching.
Before coaching, I overcommitted my time, acquiesced to everyone else’s needs, and overstepped my own boundaries again and again.
After coaching, I now honor my time, my needs, my boundaries, and my self-care. And, in the midst of it all, I remarried the same man and our relationship is the strongest it’s ever been.
For the first time ever, I trust me.
This is no small thing. Self-trust has been something I’ve struggled with my entire life.
It can feel easier to deflect to others for approval, advice, or validation. But in the long run, only we know what’s best for us.
Today, I support mom-preneurs and healers to live in alignment with what matters most to them. And I can’t imagine doing anything else!
A Few Things You Might Not Know About Me
- All my music is alphabetically sorted and my books are sorted by genre.
Monica (from Friends) is my personality double – My family calls me “Momnica!”
- I love yard sales and flea markets.
- This is Us is my favorite TV show.
- I’ve been writing since I was eleven.
- I married the same man, twice!
- I recycle EVERYTHING.
- Singing resets me.
- My favorite place to teach NVC (nonviolent communication) is in correctional facilities.
- As a kid I was passionate about reorganizing spaces (hint: I still am).
- I was a teenage yogi.
- I still have albums. And cassettes.
- One of my favorite movies is The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Pie Society. 🙂
A Few Things You Might Not Know About Me
- All my music is alphabetically sorted and my books are sorted by genre.
- Monica (from Friends) is my personality double – My family calls me “Momnica!”
- I love yard sales and flea markets.
- This is Us is my favorite TV show.
- I’ve been writing since I was eleven.
- I married the same man, twice!
- I recycle EVERYTHING.
- Singing resets me.
- My favorite place to teach NVC (nonviolent communication) is in correctional facilities.
- As a kid I was passionate about reorganizing spaces (hint: I still am).
- I was a teenage yogi.
- I still have albums. And cassettes.
- One of my favorite movies is The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Pie Society. 🙂